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Revised November 5, 2023

Table of Contents















































The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association will uphold the appropriate agreement between the United States Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association pertaining to non-discrimination of its membership and also, any words used in the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Constitution and By-Laws in the masculine gender shall be interpreted to include the feminine gender.


This organization shall be known as The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, also referred to herein as the MARLCA. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, by its Secretary-Treasurer, maintains custody and control of the State Association name as well as any State Association logo or symbol. Unauthorized use of the State Association name, logo, or symbol shall be addressed by the filing of an internal union charge or legal action or both.

The following abbreviations, when used in reports, in other documents, and herein shall denote:

  • NRLCA……..National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
  • MARLCA……..Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association
  • RFDS………Rural Free Delivery Service
  • USPS………United States Postal Service
  • Association…Either MARLCA or District, as applicable.


The object of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall be:

  • To organize all carriers performing in the Rural Free Delivery Service of the United States Postal Service.
  • To study and promote the adoption of the best methods of performing the duties of the Rural Free Delivery Service.
  • To secure adequate remuneration and compensation for services rendered.
  • To promote the adoption and maintenance of rural routes for the continuance of complete communication in rural areas.
  • To seek security for the individual rural carrier.
  • To cultivate fraternalism among those in and associated with the Rural Free Delivery Service.

And by all legal and proper means to endeavor to improve the moral, intellectual, and social standing of the United States Postal Service members, their families, and dependents in the interestof a higher standard of citizenship.


Section 1. Classifications.

  • A. Membership in the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall be as provided in the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Constitution, Article III.
  • B. The active membership of this Association shall be composed of Regular, Substitute, Auxiliary, Retired, Rural Carrier Associate, Rural Carrier Relief, Part-Time Flexible Rural Carriers, Assistant Rural Carriers and former rural carriers if annual dues required by this Association has been duly paid.
  • C. All rural carriers in good standing at retirement shall be honorary members of the Association, unless they elect to remain active or associate members by the required dues. Honorary membership may be bestowed upon others by this Association at its regular meetings, but no honorary member shall be entitled to vote or hold office in this Association. All rural carriers in good standing at the time, if inducted into military service, shall be honorary members of the Association, unless they elect to remain active members by payment of annual dues.

Section 2. Duties of the Membership.

  • A. It shall be the duty of all members to be present at each meeting, to preserve proper decorum, and in debate to refrain from improper and abusive language.
  • B. When the presiding officer takes the chair, the officers and members shall take their respective places and at the sound of the gavel there shall be general silence.
  • C. Members shall at all times be ready to serve on committees and assist the officers in the discharge of their duties.
  • D. No member shall be entitled to vote or hold office who does not hold a current dues card.

Section 3. Restrictions.

  • A. Inasmuch as it is an unfair labor practice under the Labor Relations Act (LMRA) for any employer (including persons acting in that capacity) to dominate or interfere with the administration of any labor organization, it follows that employer, while they may be members, may not be candidates for office or serve as officers.
  • B. Members are prohibited from participation in the Association while serving in managerial or supervisory positions, such as Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Acting Supervisor (204-B) or Postmaster Relief (PMR) or acting in any capacity normally performed by a manager. Members who accept managerial positions shall be deemed to have resigned from all elected and appointed positions within the Association and shall be prohibited from holding any elected or appointed union positions for a period of one year from the last day served in that capacity.

Section 4. Dues.

  • A. All dues paying members shall pay their dues in advance of July one (1) of each year unless dues are paid by the check-off method. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer shall notify all unpaid members of such arrears, and if not paid by August one (1) the unpaid member shall lose all benefits of membership in the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.
  • B. The rate of dues payable by the membership of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall only be changed after due notice to the membership, of the intent to vote on a change of dues structure at a regular meeting, or at a special meeting called for that purpose. This vote must be approved by a majority vote by secret ballot of the membership in attendance.
  • C. The annual rate of dues for each Regular Rural Carrier shall be One Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars and Sixty-Six Cents ($147.66) plus the current National Per Capita rate. The annual rate of dues for each PTF carrier shall be Ninety-Nine Dollars and Seventy-Four Cents ($99.74) plus the current National Per Capita rate. This entitles the member to full voting privileges.
  • D. The annual rate of dues for each Substitute, Auxiliary, Rural Carrier Associate (RCA), Rural Carrier Relief (RCR) and Assistant Rural Carrier (ARC) shall be Forty-Nine Dollars and Sixty Cents ($49.60) plus the current National Per Capita rate. This entitles the member to full voting privileges.
  • E. Retired Membership: Membership is available to Retired Rural Carriers. The annual rate of dues for retired membership shall be eighteen ($18.00) Dollars plus the current National Per Capita Amount. This entitles the member to full voting privileges.
  • F. Associate Membership: Associate Membership is available to any actively employed member of the United States Postal Service. The annual rate of Associate Membership dues shall be One Hundred Twenty-One Dollars and Sixty-Six Cents ($121.66) plus the current National Per Capita rate. This member is not entitled to voting privileges nor to hold any Association office.
  • G. District Per Capita: Regular Carriers and PTFs Nine ($9.00) Dollars per year; Substitute, Auxiliary, Rural Carrier Relief, Rural Carrier Associates and Assistant Rural Carriers Three ($3.00) Dollar per year; Retired Members Three ($3.00) Dollar per year; Associate Members Nine
    ($9.00) Dollars per year.
  • H. Regular members participating in the dues withholding plan shall have the appropriate pay period deductions made from their pay checks.
  • I. The annual settlement of the District Association per capita shall not be later than the close of the Semi-Annual Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Meeting in November.

Section 5. Assessments

  • A. No assessment shall be levied against the membership of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association by the Association except after due notice of the intent to vote on assessment of the membership at a regular meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose, and by secret ballot with a majority vote of the membership present. No assessment shall be ordered on the date of its introduction but must be laid over for at least two (2) weeks for reconsideration by the Board of Directors.
  • B. All assessments must be paid to the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer. Any member who has not paid assessments by the date that the annual dues are due and payable shall be considered in arrears and will lose the right to full membership in the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. Such assessments are to be considered dues.

Section 6. Discipline.

Any member may be penalized for committing any act or acts against the best interests of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. The accused member shall have the right to a full hearing before the Board of Directors at a special meeting called for that purpose. A majority of the Board of Directors shall be sufficient for decision and sentence.

Section 7. Fiscal Year.
The Association Year shall be from July 1 to June 30

Subordinate Units

Section 1. Subordinate Units.
The State Association shall determine affiliation with the District Units. The State Association shall have the authority to establish District Units. No Unit’s Constitution shall conflict with the State or National Constitution. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association membership shall be divided into three (3) District Associations, as follows:

  • District 1…Zip Codes 010,012,013 and 015
  • District 2…Zip Codes 020 through 027
  • District 3…Zip Codes 014, 017, 018 and 019

Section 2. Officers.

  • A. The Officers of the District Association shall consist of: One (1) District Association President, One District Association Vice President, and one (1) District Association Secretary/ Treasurer.
  • B. All District Association officers shall be elected by secret ballot at the Annual District Association Meeting held after a minimum of fifteen (15) calendar days’ notice, and shall hold office for one (1) calendar year or until their successors are duly elected and sworn into office. The District Association Secretary/Treasurer shall notify each district member at his last known address regarding the nomination and election of officers and shall state the date and place of the District Association Meeting and the hours that the polls will be opened and closed. All duly elected District officers will take the oath of office at the annual State meeting of the MARLCA.

Section 3. Meetings.

  • A. The District Association meetings shall be held prior to the Massachusetts Rural Letters Carriers’ Association meetings and shall be cleared through the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association State President so that there will be no conflict of dates. All Districts will hold a minimum of two (2) meetings per year. The districts shall adhere to all notice requirements set forth for the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.
  • B. All District Associations shall hold their Annual District Meeting at least forty (40) days prior to the annual Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Convention.
  • C. Seven (7) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a District meeting.

Section 4. Trusteeship.
A. Purpose

The Association may place any subordinate unit in trusteeship for any of the following reasons:

  • 1. To uphold the principles of the State and National Constitution;
  • 2. To prevent or correct corruption or financial mismanagement;
  • 3. To restore democratic procedures
  • 4. To otherwise carry out the objectives of the Association

B. Authority

The trustee shall assume immediate control of the subordinate unit with full authority over all officers and property. The trustee shall act in such a capacity for the duration of the trusteeship.

C. Hearing

The trusteeship hearing shall be held before a committee of three members within 30 days of imposing trusteeship. The members shall be selected as follows: one member selected by the State Board, one selected by the District Board in trusteeship and a chairman selected by the other two members. The committee shall have sole discretion regarding the conduct and procedures of the trusteeship hearing. Only Bargaining Unit Members may serve on this committee. No member of this committee shall be chosen from the District Association in trusteeship, or from the State Board. The committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the President of the State Board as soon as practical following the hearing. The State Board shall determine whether to continue or to terminate the trusteeship.

D. Termination

The affected subordinate unit may petition the State Board to terminate the trusteeship at six-month intervals following the decision of the State Board. The board of the subordinate unit in trusteeship may appeal the decision of the State Board as provided in this Constitution. The State Board may terminate a trusteeship at any time.


Section 1. Officers.

The Officers of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall consist of: President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, and the District Presidents from each district.

Section 2. Duties.

A. President

  • 1. It shall be the duty of the President to call the meeting to order at the appointed time. If a quorum is present, he shall conduct the business of the meeting in the order laid down by the Order of Business, providing that no transposition is demanded by a majority vote of the members present.
  • 2. The President shall maintain order at all meetings and at all times exercise the prerogative of the executive office of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.
  • 3. The President shall make a written report of the activities of his office at each meeting of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association or the District Association.
  • 4. The President shall fill any vacancy in the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association or the District Association offices, with the approval of the Board of Directors, by appointment. Such appointment shall be only until the next regular election is held.

B. Vice President

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside at all meetings in the absence of the President, subject to the same rules, and in case of reports or debates in which the President takes part, he shall take the chair and perform the duties of his office. Should a vacancy occur in the office of the President, the Vice President shall serve until a successor is duly elected and sworn into office.

C. Secretary/Treasurer

It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to keep a just and true account between the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and himself, between the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and its members to receive all dues and other monies of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association giving his receipt thereof and to pay all bills by the voucher system, to conduct all correspondence of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association, to present a written report at each regular meeting as to the standing of his books, via, number of members in good standing, members in arrears, new members. He shall also give a true and accurate account of the financial position of the association. He shall notify all members of the time, place, and date of all meetings, purchase all supplies required, presenting bills thereof to the Board of Directors. He shall record the proceedings of each meeting and perform the duties usual to this office, turning over all books to the Finance Committee at the expiration of his office for inspection and audit. He shall utilize an assistant secretary/treasurer to be appointed by the state president and approved by the board of directors.

D. District Association Presidents Executive Committee

It shall be the duty of the District Association Presidents to see that all the provisions of this Constitution are complied with by the officers and members, to assist the officers and members in the discharge of their duties, and in the absence of the State President and the State Vice President to appoint a chairman to preside over the meeting.

Section 3. Election.

  • A. All Officers of the Association shall be elected by secret ballot at the Annual Meeting of the Association and shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are duly elected and sworn into office. No member may be elected to more than one Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association office each term. The membership shall be duly informed of any election by due notice thereof mailed to each member at their last known home address, not less than fifteen (15) calendar days prior to date of election.
  • B. Nominations for candidates for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association offices will be officially opened with the call to order of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association semi-annual meeting in November and shall be closed fifty (50) calendar days prior to the opening session of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers Association Annual Convention. The District Association Secretary of each District will notify the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer in writing of all candidates nominated for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association office at the meeting. A member may be nominated for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association office upon timely receipt of a letter to the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer, signed by the member nominated.
  • C. Nominations for candidates for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association offices and National Delegates shall be in the office of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer at least fifty (50) calendar days prior to the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Annual Meeting.
  • D. No member shall be nominated for any office unless he is present or signifies in writing his willingness to accept the office for which he is nominated.
  • E. It shall be the duty of the Elections Committee to prepare and mail a ballot listing all candidates for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association office as provided by the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association’s Secretary/Treasurer. Said ballot will be mailed to all members eligible to vote, at their last known home address, at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the opening of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Annual Meeting. The ballots for Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association offices will be returned to an address designated by the Chairman of the Elections Committee.
  • F. Each member will be provided a plain envelope marked “SECRET BALLOT ENVELOPE” in which to seal his/her ballot, for mailing to the address designated by the Chairman of the Elections Committee. This sealed envelope will be placed in another envelope marked “BALLOT ENCLOSED” and supplied by the MARLCA Secretary/Treasurer. Each member must print their name and address for official identification.
  • G. At the discretion of the Elections Committee and with the approval of the Board of Directors the ballots stipulated in Sections a. and b. above may be combined. The Secretary/Treasurer will provide the Elections Committee the envelopes as required above.
  • H. The polls will be closed on a date set by the elections Chairperson. The Elections Committee will take charge of all ballots and will count and tabulate said ballots. The Elections Committee shall resolve all elections complaints. Any candidate or their representative may observe the ballot tabulation. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer will provide the Elections Committee with a current list of all members eligible to vote.
    I. All ballots and materials pertaining to any election will be kept on file for a period of one (1) calendar year.
    J. In the case of a tie vote in any office or position, the tie will be resolved through the use of a deck of playing cards. Cards will be the same suit Ace high no joker. The tie breaker must be done prior to the final election report at state convention, by the election committee.

Section 4. Salaries.

  • A. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President shall receive an annual salary of Twenty-Five Hundred ($2500.00) Dollars. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Vice President shall receive an annual salary of Fifteen Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer shall receive an annual salary of Five Thousand Five Hundred ($5,500.00) Dollars. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Assistant State Secretary/Treasurer shall receive an annual salary of One Thousand Five Hundred ($1,500.00) Dollars. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Editor shall receive an annual salary of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars. Each duly elected District President shall receive an annual salary of Three Hundred Fifty ($350) Dollars. Each duly elected District Secretary/Treasurer shall receive an annual salary of One Hundred ($100) Dollars.
  • B. No member or officer of the Association shall be allowed compensation for his services or expenses by the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association who is receiving compensation for the same duties from any other source, unless approved by the President or the Board of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.

Section 5. Expenses.

  • A. This Association shall compensate all Executive officers and Board Members on official business for the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association who hold proper authorization as follows: sub-hire; Mileage at a rate equal to the IRS reimbursement. Lodging at a rate equal to NRLCA reimbursement, or as otherwise authorized. Communications as per itemized statement. Meals at a rate equal to NRLCA reimbursement, or as otherwise authorized.
  • B. The word (sub-hire) in Section 2 of this article shall mean an amount equal to the maximum daily rate of salary payable in the top step of the Heavy-Duty Compensation Schedule, exclusive of equipment allowance or any other special allowance.

Section 6. Removal.

  • A. Should an officer prove unfaithful to the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association he may be impeached by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership at a regular or a special meeting.
  • B. The aggrieved officers or members shall exhaust all remedies provided for in this before appealing to the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association under the provisions of Article X of the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Constitution.

Section 7. Association Property.

All officers, at the expiration of their terms of office, when removed from office, or when their office is declared vacant shall deliver to their successors or the Association all books, records, monies and other property in their possession belonging to the Association, within 30 days.


Section 1. State Convention.

The annual meeting of the MARLCA shall be held no sooner than the fifteenth (15) of April and no later than the thirty-first (31) of May. Notice of the annual meeting for the purpose of election of Association Officers, meetings in which Constitution and By-Law changes may be discussed, or special meetings, shall be given in writing to each member in good standing not less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the meeting date. The meeting notice shall be mailed to each member at his last known home address and shall indicate date, place and time of meeting.

Section 2. Site Selection.
The State President and the board of directors will decide the time and place.

Section 3. Quorum.

At all Massachusetts, Rural Letter Carriers’ Association meetings, seven (7) members plus a majority of the State Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4. Order of Business.
Business at all meetings shall be taken up in the following order:

  • 1. Invocation and Salute of the colors.
  • 2. Roll Call of Officers.
  • 3. Naming of Members of Committees and the naming of the Chaplain for the ensuing year.
  • 4. Reading of the Minutes.
  • 5. Report of the Officers.
  • 6. Report of the Finance, Standing, and Special Committees.
  • 7. Unfinished Business.
  • 8. New Business.
  • 9. Bills and Accounts
  • 10. Good of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.
  • 11. Closing.

The Order of Business may be transposed at any time by a majority vote of the membership present.

Section 5. Semi-Annual Meeting.

The semi-annual meeting will be held on or after the first Sunday in the month of November.

Section 6. Special Meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President or a majority of the Board of Directors whenever the interests of the Association requires or by a petition containing the signatures of a minimum of twenty-five (25) paid members. No business other than that for which the Special Meeting is called shall be transacted.

National Convention Delegates

Section 1. Eligibility.

  • A. Only Bargaining Unit Members and Retired Members in good standing may be nominated, elected or seated as delegates. Such “good standing” status shall be the sole prerequisite for determining eligibility or entitlement to service as a delegate or to any payment or benefit, except that a state may establish reasonable rules to ensure attendance at the Convention.
  • B. A member who accepts or acts at any time in any capacity normally performed by a manager from the end of one Convention to the end of the next Convention shall be ineligible to be nominated or serve as delegate and/or state Officer.

Section 2. Nomination.

  • A. Within each state association, nominations for National Delegate shall be submitted by US Mail to the Secretary-Treasurer on a nominating ballot or copy. The nominating ballot shall be signed and show the name and address of the member making the nomination and may include self-nomination. The nominating ballot shall be published in the February, March, April and May issues of The National Rural Letter Carrier.
  • B. Nominations must be received in the office of the State Secretary at least fifty (50) days prior to the opening of the state convention. Upon receipt, the State Secretary shall send a notice of nomination to the candidate by mail.

Section 3. Election.

  • A. An elections committee shall be appointed by the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President. It shall consist of one (1) member from each district plus a chairman. No member of this committee may be a candidate for any Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association office or Delegate to the National Convention.
  • B. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer will prepare a ballot listing all candidates for Delegate to the National Convention. All names of nominations for Delegates to the National Convention shall appear on the prepared ballot in randomly drawn order. Said ballot will be mailed to all members eligible to vote, at their last known home address, at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the opening of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Annual Meeting. The ballot shall be clearly marked, stating the number of National Delegates for which a member may vote. The ballots will be returned to the address designated by the Chairman of the Elections Committee.
  • C. Each member will be provided a plain envelope marked “SECRET BALLOT ENVELOPE” in which to seal his ballot, for mailing to the address designated by the Chairman of the Elections Committee. This sealed envelope will be placed in another envelope marked “BALLOT ENCLOSED” and supplied by the MARLCA Secretary/Treasurer. Each member must print their name and address for official identification.
  • D. At the discretion of the Elections Committee and with the approval of the Board of Directors the ballots stipulated in Sections a. and b. above may be combined. The Secretary/Treasurer will provide the Elections Committee the envelopes as required above.
  • E. The polls will be closed on a date set by the elections Chairperson. The Elections Committee will take charge of all ballots and will count and tabulate said ballots. The Elections Committee shall resolve all elections complaints. Any candidate or their representative may observe the ballot tabulation. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Secretary/Treasurer will provide the Elections Committee with a current list of all members eligible to vote. All ballots and materials pertaining to any election will be kept on file for a period of one (1) calendar year.
  • F. The Delegate-at-Large shall be the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President, or Designee. If the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President is unable to attend the National Convention, the duly elected delegates assembled there present shall be empowered to elect the Delegate-at-Large from their number.
  • G. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer by virtue of being elected to their offices by the general membership shall be delegates to the National Convention. Delegates to the National Convention will be seated according to the
    National Constitution.

Section 4. Duties of National Delegates

  • A. All delegates shall support and seek to adopt all resolutions that are passed at the Annual Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association Meeting. Should the resolution be altered significantly or combined with other resolutions by the Resolutions Committee at the National Convention, delegates are then encouraged to vote their conscience. The Delegate-at-Large shall resubmit all Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association resolutions that do not come out of the Resolutions Committee.

Section 5. Compensation of State-Paid National Delegates.

  • A. The Delegate-at-Large to the National Convention shall be paid by the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association.
  • B. The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association will pay the Association delegates to the National Convention an amount of money comparable to the amount of money paid by the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association to the Delegate-at-Large from the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. The state Board may authorize reimbursement of up to Two Hundred ($200.00) for hotel expenses. Any reimbursement in excess of $200.00 will require two-thirds of the members attending a state meeting to authorize a pay revision for delegates attending a specific National Convention.
    C. Each Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association delegate shall present his credentials to the National Convention Credentials Committee by noon of the first (1) day of the convention unless he is unavoidably delayed and must remain until the close of the convention unless unavoidably prevented, in order to receive his delegate allowance.

State Board

Section 1. Members.

The Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association shall consist of the Officers of the Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association and shall include the District Association Presidents and the immediate past Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President.

Section 2. Meetings.

The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President, or a majority of the Board of Directors, shall call a meeting of the Board of Directors as is necessary to resolve or to authorize emergency measures, to resolve any problems authorizing immediate resolutions or to set policy.


Section 1. Committees.

All committees shall consist of a minimum of three (3) members.

Section 2. Chaplain.

It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to conduct the religious services of the Association and other such duties as may be assigned by the President.

Section 3. Special Committees.

Special committees may be appointed by the Association should the interest of the Association so require.


Section 1. State

  • A. Any member aggrieved by any action of a State Association, or Officer thereof, shall have the right to appeal to the State Board. Such appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the State President within thirty (30) days of the action. Within ten (10) days of receipt of such appeal, the State President shall cause to be notified all members of the State Board and the NRLCA assigned Executive Committee representative and, also, request that the charging party provide a letter outlining the specific charges, complete documentation and relief sought. The letter outlining the specific charges, complete documentation and relief sought must be returned within twenty (20) days of receipt of such request. Upon receipt, the State President shall cause a copy to be forwarded to the charged party for response. The charged party will have twenty (20) days to respond in writing and provide documentation to the State President. The State Board will review the charging party’s letter of specificity, documentation, relief sought and the response of the charged party. The State Board is authorized, in consultation with the NRLCA assigned Executive Committee representative, to take the necessary action to resolve the issue within thirty (30) days, unless extensions of time limits are necessary, not to exceed an additional fifteen (15) days. If the State Board resolves or is unable to affect the relief sought, all parties must be notified in writing.
  • B. Any member not satisfied with this decision, or any action of the State Board on said appeal, shall have the right to appeal to the National Board. This appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the President of the National Association within thirty (30) days of receipt of the State Board’s decision.
  • C. Within ten (10) days of receipt of such appeal, the State President shall cause to be notified all members of the State Board and the NRLCA assigned Executive Committee representative and, also, request that the charging party provide a letter outlining the specific charges, complete documentation and relief sought. The letter outlining the specific charges, complete documentation and relief sought must be returned within twenty (20) days of receipt of such request. Upon receipt, the State President shall cause a copy to be forwarded to the charged party for response. The charged party will have twenty (20) days to respond in writing and provide documentation to the State President. The State Board will review the charging party’s letter of specificity, documentation, relief sought and the response of the charged party. The State Board is authorized, in consultation with the NRLCA assigned Executive Committee representative, to take the necessary action to resolve the issue within thirty (30) days, unless extensions of time limits are necessary, not to exceed an additional fifteen (15) days. If the State Board resolves or is unable to affect the relief sought, all parties must be notified in writing.

Section 2. National.

Any member not satisfied with this decision, or any action of the State Board on said appeal, shall have the right to appeal to the National Board. This appeal must be in writing and must be filed with the President of the National Association within thirty (30) days of receipt of the State Board decision. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of such appeal the National Board will notify the National Appeals Commission of such appeal. Additionally, within this same fifteen (15) day time frame the President of the National Association shall cause to be notified the State President, the charging party(s) and the charged party(s) notifying them that the appeal has been received and forwarded to the National Appeals Commission.

Parliamentary Authority

Unless otherwise provided, Robert’s Rules of Order, revised, will be used for the conduct of meetings.

Amendment of Constitution

This Constitution and By-Laws and any future amendment shall take effect immediately upon adoption unless otherwise stated. This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended at any Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association meeting or at a special Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association meeting called for that purpose. Due notice shall be given to the membership and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present shall be required to carry an amendment. “Due Notice” shall include the number of the article, the section, additions or deletions, and specific wording of all proposed changes.

This Constitution and By-Laws shall in no way alter or conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Rural Letter Carriers’ Association. This Constitution and all acts and proceedings which in the future and in due course may be enacted, shall be absolutely binding on all officers and members.

Junior Auxiliary

A junior’s organization shall be founded consisting of the minor dependents of Rural Carriers. Said juniors shall be funded by the general body and shall be under the direction and supervision of the State Board. A member of the general body and a member of the auxiliary shall be appointed to act as sponsors each year.

Contract Ratification

The Massachusetts Rural Letter Carriers’ Association President shall call for a special contract ratification meeting. Contract Ratification will be carried out according to the NRLCA’s National Constitution and By-Laws.


Be it resolved that the MARLCA make available column space in a special edition of the Backroads Journal. This special edition will be published for the purpose of informing the general membership of the qualifications and views of any candidate for National delegate or State office. The State Board of the MARLCA will determine space limitations and the date of publication. Participation in the special edition will be on a voluntary basis.